
Principle app animation cheat sheet
Principle app animation cheat sheet

principle app animation cheat sheet

Screen transitions on Flipboard (image 1) exhibit the principle of squash and stretch to express that the surfaces inside the world of the application are rigid and board-like. Is your mobile experience a world of solid planes, rigid surfaces and sharp, exact movements? Consider using this principle when you decide what feeling you want your mobile experience to evoke as users engage with it. When an object moves, the quality of the movement often indicates the rigidity of the object. People and objects have an inherent mass.

principle app animation cheat sheet

The instructor should explain how all the principles work using the attached images and screenshots. Introduction: 12 universal principles of animation(15 mins) Pivot point - origin, relative center where animation starts (can be top left corner, center of a view).Some important vocab we'll have to know for this lesson: The addition of movement to a mobile experience can provide clarity, information about context and a dash of joy and fun. Transitions and subtle motion-based animations are emerging as a new and compelling mobile design material, worthy of being learned and being used with efficiency and grace. It’s an art that requires patience, an eye for subtlety and careful study of how objects and people move through space and time.


  • Create or import a project in Android StudioĪdding movement to anything - whether a series of drawings or the transitions between the screens in a digital experience - is not just easy.
  • Modify the following properties of an animation: Duration (ms), Interpolator (curve)īefore this lesson, students should already be able to:.
  • principle app animation cheat sheet

    Define how animation interacts with layouts.Identify the different principles of animation, including object physics and timing.Basic Terminal & Navigating the FilesystemĪfter this lesson, students will be able to:

    Principle app animation cheat sheet